Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Loss - A Poem

My heart explodes, searing with excruciating pain, and the indomitable urge to see him once more seems relentless…

The abyss of this loss engulfs me like a vicious monster, laughing at my plight!
I grope in the dark for his touch, my ears strained to capture his gentle whispers, pining for the love that I was blessed with all my life but…to no avail!
I crave for a glimpse but his memories taunt me!
The reverberations of the past tantalize and lure me to wish for the impossible!
And with childlike innocence, I'm deluded to hope and wait for a miracle!

I'm a desperate fool who just wishes…only to be disappointed!
Perhaps that's what love and loss does to someone…
And I seek refuge in a paradise of pleasant absurdities…
Just in search of some respite to be oblivious of a tormenting loss!